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No Bully

Anti-Bullying Policy

The Turlock Unified School District strives to provide students with optimal conditions for learning by maintaining a school environment where everyone is treated with respect and no one is physically or emotionally harmed.  

In order to ensure respect and prevent harm, it is a violation of the Conduct Code for a student to be harassed, intimidated, or bullied by others in the school community, on the way to or from school, at school sponsored events, or when such actions create a substantial disruption to the educational process. The school community includes all students, school employees, school board members, contractors, unpaid volunteers, families, patrons, and other visitors. 

Student(s) shall not be harassed basis of actual or perceived ancestry, age, color, disability, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, parental, pregnancy, family or marital status, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. 

Any staff who observes overhears, or otherwise witnesses harassment, intimidation, or bullying or to whom such actions have been reported must take prompt and appropriate action to stop the harassment and to prevent its reoccurrence which depending on the frequency, intensity and/or severity may require an immediate report to the school site administration. 

Stop, Walk, and Talk

No Bully Logo
Medeiros No Bully Poster

Students Speaking Out

Students Speaking Out provides students with a safe, informal, and anonymous system to give information about criminal activity, threats, or weapons, without fear of retaliation. If you have information about a crime committed at your school, or about threats of a crime or possible shooting. 

Call the 24-hour Students Speaking Out Hotline at (209) 521-4636 (INFO)

Bullying Resources

CDE Bullying Module

Stop, Walk, and Talk Video

Bullying Links

No Bully Year 1 Course for Parents

INTERNAL LINK No Bully Year 1 Course for Parents (Spanish)

No Bully

No Bully Social Emotional Learning Guidebook

An Educator's Guide to Combat Bullying and Bully Prevention