Welcome to Medeiros Counseling
Hello, my name is Ms. Tovar and I would like to introduce myself as the School Counselor at Medeiros Elementary. This is my second year at Medeiros. I look forward to working with you and your child, and I will make every effort to ensure your child receives as much support as possible. The counseling program at Medeiros includes many school-wide programs and services to help support your students here at school. These include class lessons, small group and individual counseling sessions.
Counseling Services
Classroom Lessons
- Introduction to the Counselor
- Bullying Prevention
- Kindness
- Coping Strategies
Small Group Counseling
- Circle of Friends (TOOLBOX)
- Coping Strategies
- Social Skills
- Women Empowerment
Individual Student Counseling
- This is for individual students needing more targeted social/emotional intervention
- Short-term, solution-focused individual counseling, usually 4-6 sessions
- Students who need more long-term, individualize support may be referred to our on-site C.A.R.E clinician.
Other Services
- Parent Conferences by request
- Crisis Response
- Risk Screening
- Outside Referral/Agency resources